Counselling and Psychotherapy

Counselling Dublin - Cork - Limerick - Wicklow - Kilkenny - Leitrim - Kildare - Online Counselling

Mindfully Well is a network of counsellors and psychotherapists in Ireland, using only the most effective, up-to-date methods. We offer individual therapy and also provide counselling and psychotherapy services to companies in Ireland All counsellors & psychotherapists in the MindFully Well network use the latest, most effective solution focused brief therapy interventions, to alleviate stress-related issues and restore emotional health quickly. Our counselling services can help with a wide range of issues. If you would like to avail of our services you can contact us by email at or contact a counsellor & psychotherapist directly and they will be happy to help you.

Therapist Locations:


Alleviating Stress & Restoring Emotional Health-quickly & easily

What we can do is, in many cases, substantially reduce symptoms and distress, as well as giving you tools and techniques to help you manage your difficulties better. Our help starts from where you are now and is very much focused on moving forward to where you want to be and how you want to live.

There have been huge developments over the last 15 years, in neuroscience and psychology, of the understanding of the trauma reactions, fear responses and survival mechanisms that underlie most common emotional health issues.  We find that using the most up-to-date solution focused counselling and psychotherapy methods (Human Givens Therapy) we are often able to make a real and lasting difference for people, even people with complex long-standing issues, in a fraction of the time taken by other counselling  and psychotherapy approaches and involving a much more comfortable, pleasant experience than most other approaches.


Counselling and Psychotherapy Session Information

Sessions generally last between 60 and 90 minutes. All MindFully Well members are fully trained, qualified, accredited Human Givens Psychotherapists. This is a Solution-focused Brief Therapy and our aim is always to help you, achieve lasting change, in as few sessions as possible

All MindFully Well Psychotherapists are accredited  by the Human Givens Institute (HGI) which is itself accredited under the Professional Standards Authority (PSA) for Health and Social Care in the UK, under its Accredited Registers Programme.  The Chair of  the HGI is Dr Declan Lyons, Consultant Psychiatrist at St Patrick’s Hospital, Dublin.

Accreditation means that the HGI has met the Authority’s demanding standards in the following areas: governance, setting standards, education and training, managing the register, providing information and dealing with complaints.


Therapist Locations:


Evidence Based Practise

All counsellors & psychotherapists in the MindFully Well network use internationally recognized outcome measures to evaluate the  effectiveness of our work. What this means is that we monitor each clients progress, and also, each client has an opportunity to give feedback on the session. (For more information see:

Why Choose Us?

Neuroscientists at New York University have shown that when people are anxious, stressed, burnt out or depressed the difficulty lies in their emotional brain (amygdala and limbic system) and not their thinking brain (neocortex) as was previously thought. Our therapy methods directly target the emotional brain.

We also, like most other providers in this field use methods like Cognitive Behaviour Therapy which target the thinking brain but we integrate it with other counselling and psychotherapy techniques that take account of the way that the emotional systems in the brain work.

Human Givens Therapy is an up-to-date solution focused therapy based on a modern understanding of the mind/body system. The first peer-reviewed research papers on this counselling and psychotherapy approach have just been published and taken together indicate that this approach is more than twice as effective as any other leading approach and works for more people and with a wider range of conditions.

Our Methods

We stand on the shoulders of giants: Human Givens Therapy draws on the best work in the field of Psychology, Psychiatry, Neuroscience, Counselling and Psychotherapy over the last 200 years.

Influences include the work of:  Dr Milton Erikson, a legendary psychiatrist whose work has been a major influence on the development of Brief Solution-Focused approaches to therapy;
Professor Joseph Le Doux, Professor of Neuroscience at New York University whose work on the Emotional Brain informs our approach to the treatment of trauma;
Dr William Sargent, a British Psychiatrist who successfully treated traumatised (Shell-shocked) soldiers during the 2nd World War;
Professor John Gottman, an American Psychologist who has been doing ground- breaking research into relationships & what makes them succeed or break-down, since the 1970s;
Professor Martin Seligman, a Psychologist who spent 30 years researching Depression & has now founded the field of Positive Psychology.

This Counselling and Psychotherapy can help you

Feel happier and be more confident
Sleep well
Feel calmer and be more relaxed
Recover from traumatic experiences
Improve your self-esteem
Reduce the amount of time spent dwelling on the past
Manage stress
Manage anger
Perform well (e.g, exams, interviews, sport)
Make lifestyle changes quickly and easily
Overcome difficulties naturally and without drugs
Achieve your goals